If you are celebrating Read Across America Week with a Dr. Seuss theme, here is a great choice for Monday. If you haven't seen my whole lineup, read here.
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The Lorax
The Lorax is an excellent book and movie! It is a story about preserving the Earth and one person taking a stance and making a difference. From this book, we get the famous line, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
If you don't have the book, you have at least two options. First, I attached a reading of the Lorax from Brightly Storytime below. Second, Do you have Netflix? It is playing on the streaming service. My dragons will be definitely be watching! Of course if you want to purchase the book, you can find it here.
Dress Up: Wear a silly mustache.
There are so many options here. My kids want to wear a mustache that looks like Mario from Mario bros. So I found these cute ones on Amazon.
We also happen to have these mustache glasses we used as party favors two years ago!
Finally, we made a Lorax mustache with eyebrows. If you want to do this too, here is what you need.
Plastic glasses (We had some leftover from Halloween, see "before" picture below.)
Scissors and glue
Yellow construction paper, cardstock, foam or felt. (I'm all about using what you have, but if you need some, click on your material choice to find it on Amazon.)
Print two free Lorax mustaches found here. You can print directly onto yellow paper, print on white paper and color them yellow, or print on white paper, cut them out, trace them on yellow paper, felt or foam and cut again.
Cut the second mustache in half to make eyebrows.
Glue eyebrows to the top of the glasses, and mustache to bottom. What type of glue you use is probably going to depend on what materials you are using. Hot glue would most likely work best, especially if using foam or felt. We used construction paper and school glue. I don't plan on them lasting long with my three dragons. **Always make sure an adult is using the hot glue gun with care**
This can also count as your craft if you want it too!
Treat: Truffula Trees
White Melting Chocolate
Food Grade Stick or Straw
A note about the ingredients. I ordered Wilton's melting chocolate from Instacart but I ended up getting white chocolate chips. Worked totally fine and they were organic! Ideally, chocolate is best melted on a double boiler. I use the microwave. Put in desired amount chocolate. I use small amounts at a time for this method. Microwave for 30 seconds then check if it's melted. If not, repeat until melted. Then stir.
Any stick or straw that is mostly made of paper will work best. Something like this would be cute. I used white and just made my own markings with black marker. It's Dr. Seuss so it shouldn't be precise. The more imperfect the more whimsical right? (At least that's what I told myself. 😆) This won't work with plastic because it will just smear but striped plastic or reusable straws would look great also. When doing the black markings I left some room on the top for marshmallow and the bottom for little hands to hold.
Here's how I made the trees. I saw something similar on Pinterest where they did just the tops with sprinkles. But, if we're going to use sprinkles, let's go all the way!
The kids were thrilled to try the test batch. I think they will be even more thrilled Monday when I let them make them on their own! **Make sure kids know the chocolate will be hot.
Craft: Fork Painting
I found the cutest Fork Painted The Lorax Crafts at Our Kid Things.
If you want to paint the Lorax, orange paper and yellow paint is easiest. You can glue on eyes or a nose made with pretty much anything you have. If you have googly eyes and pompoms like in the example below you can use that. To purchase click here and here. You can also print out googly eyes for free here, or draw them, or use stickers, or anything your imagination takes you to.
If you want to paint the Truffula Trees, you can use any colors! You can use your sticks or straws from the treat to glue on as tree bark.
For full instructions and examples, read Fork Painted The Lorax Crafts - Our Kid Things.
There's a cute little video too. Check out the Truffula Tree my oldest Dragon painted below.
I hope everyone has a marvelous Mustache Monday!
Dragon Mama