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Top 10 First Trimester Must Haves

Writer's picture: Dragon MamaDragon Mama

I am not a medical professional and none of this information is intended as medical advice.

All recommendations are my own. This article may contain affiliate links which I may earn a small commission from at no cost to the reader.

1. Pregnancy Tests

Technically, your doctor dates your pregnancy beginning with your last period, before you are even pregnant; so let's start with pregnancy tests. Do not waste your money on expensive pregnancy tests. This is for two reasons. First, you are probably going to take many tests if you are trying to get pregnant. The very sensitive tests can cost anywhere from $8-20 depending on where you get them. If you take one 6 days before your missed period and its negative, you aren't going to be sure if you are pregnant or not. Maybe you ovulated a day later than you thought, and its only 99% accurate from the day of your missed period. Since you could be pregnant but its just too early to be sure, then you are going to take one on day 5, and day 4...and so on. And, if you aren't pregnant that month, the cycle will repeat itself. Secondly, you really shouldn't test before too much before your missed period anyway if you want to avoid finding out about potential chemical pregnancies or very early miscarriages. (This could still happen but the farther along you are when you test, the less likely it is a chemical pregnancy. In a chemical pregnancy, you have HGC in your blood due to a fertilized egg, but no pregnancy results as the egg does not successfully attach to the uterine wall.) But, if you are going to test early, you may as well start with a test that costs $1 or less, which actually could possibly predict pregnancy before your missed period as well.

My go-to tests were from the dollar tree, but Amazon actually has some cheaper and which claim to detects levels at 5 days before your missed period. (A difference of only one day from the most sensitive tests.)

2. Prenatal Vitamins

I'm not a doctor or nutritionist or any other type of healthcare provider. So, I will not make a recommendation. If you are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant, talk to your doctor right away about starting prenatal vitamins and DHA.

3. Morning Sickness Remedies

It is true that different things help different people. It is kind of a process of trial and error, finding what works for you. Even though I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum, I did have a little relief from some products below, and I think they are worth trying for anyone with morning sickness. The ginger gum actually gave me some measurable relief, and sucking on candy also helped me cope.

4. Pregnancy Journal

I have two relevant articles on pregnancy journals. The first discussing why you need a pregnancy journal. I promise if you don't get one you will regret it! If you did get one, you will CHERISH it! The second has recommendations for top pregnancy journals. Read here and here.

5. Alternative Pain Relief

With the first trimester may come headaches. Your go-to headache relief may not be pregnancy safe. Have a plan. Have a list from your doctor about what is safe to take. If you do not feel comfortable taking medication during pregnancy, have a plan for headache treatment. I personally love these lavender infused packs that you can heat up or freeze, and I also used essential oils as supplements to medication.

6. Pregnancy and Parenting Books

I don't know if you can ever really be fully prepared for pregnancy or parenting. You have to experience it. There are so many variables. With that being said, it is best to be as prepared as possible. Books like What to Expect When You're Expecting help to inform you about the possible symptoms you may be experiencing and how to best take care of your self. This book is highly rated because it is so informative and can help give you piece of mind so you know what you are experiencing is normal, or can alert you to times when maybe you need to see your doctor. Meanwhile, books like The Happiest Baby on the Block prepare you to soothe your baby. If you only by two books during your first trimester I would highly recommend starting with these. I will have more book recommendations for the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Of course, you can also join pregnancy boards on apps for more information, but I do have some reservations about these. An article about these apps is coming soon!

7. Comfortable Bras

You probably won't have to start wearing maternity clothes during the first trimester, but you may want to switch to wearing sports bras or other very comfortable bras now. Your breast will start to grow in size almost immediately and may be sore. I personally liked the Genie Bras below, but you if you are buying new bras, you may want to go ahead an get nursing bras now so I linked those as well.

8. Waist Extender

If you are feeling a little bloated, which is very typical in the first trimester, you can also get an extender which makes more room in the waist of your pants.

9. Pregnancy Pillow

You might not need it yet (since you aren't forced to side sleep yet,) but there are two reasons I would recommend a pregnancy pillow in your first trimester. First, OMG so comfortable. My first trimesters were MISERY! Any extra comfort is nice. Second, once you get into your second trimester you are going to be thinking about all the things the baby needs and you may not want to splurge on yourself. My advice: Buy it now.

10. Something Special For Yourself.

You may want your very first item that says Mom or Mommy on it. Or, you'd love a comfort item like new slippers. If you use a lot of products you may want to check if they are safe for baby or switch to some natural products made for moms. The first trimester can take a lot out of you, treat yourself!

Bonus: Belly Stickers

If you know a mom in her first trimester, you can always gift her a pre-packaged box with first trimester goodies like one of these below.

I usually start my registries my second trimester, but it really never is too early to start making those lists. Click below to start a registry on Amazon!

Feel free to email me about any of my recommendations or if you want to chat about anything at all!

Dragon Mama



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